SimBlog: Simulation for Buckinghamshire.
SCAS Simbulance
Today our intrepid educators went forth to film with the South Central Ambulance Service. They were a great bunch of consummate professionals, who ensured we were looked after and got access to all the footage we needed in order to make an interactive 360 video for our ICU transfer study day. In exchange we will…
360 orientation project
Today Simbucks used our interactive 360 video, alongside virtual reality headsets, to train medical staff in patient assessment processes. This innovative approach, utilising a mixed media process for technology enhanced learning, is designed to enhance the regular teaching sessions that we provide to our medical staff.
Only Human.
The simulation team is currently rolling out human factors training to all areas of Bucks Healthcare Trust. This training day places humans at the centre of health care provision and examines how we can improve our services by developing an understanding of key human factors.
Core Trainee Critical Care
Today was the turn of the Core Trainees program candidates to be exposed to critical care emergencies.
Lucas comes to SIM
The Critical Care Outreach Team utilised the simulation labs to familiarise themselves with the LUCAS automatic chest compression machines the trust uses.
MANiCC in the Sim
Managing Airways for Nurses in Critical Care. Another successful day preparing our critical care teams for airway emergencies. We run the MANiCC course on a regular basis in order to prepare and drill our critical care staff in the skills and procedures they may need to ensure our patients safety. Overseen by senior critical care…
Burns Moulage Workshop
Our moulage specialist technicians ran a burns moulage workshop today at the South East Simulation Conference. Ren explained her system for creating burns moulage that can be reused multiple times and can simulate different severities of burn wounds during a 30 minute workshop. The workshop was one of the most attended at the conference that…